Ponstan, a pain killer brand, celebrates how “P’Mhee Lamoon” (the mascot of facebook page ‘bear care your pain’) stayed with Thais and helps bring them to the path to lessen or end their pain. Many Thais are now free of pain and now know better than to endure the suffering. However, there are still people who choose to live with the pain without knowing the consequences of enduring it and that it can actually be easily cured.
Inorder to make our stance clear that P’Mhee Lamoon will helps bring thai people to the path to ends their pain, team gather various method that people uses to ease their pain and found out from research that when people are in serious pain, one of the method commonly used is to “Shout out loud” (from the departments of psychology, National University of Singapore)
Inspired with this idea, our team created a game that can both be fun and also helps relieve pain by expressing it out through shouting. The interactive game #TheBearShoutOutLoud invites people to shout and brings P’Mhee to end the pain at pharmacist. The louder you shout, the higher P’Mhee jumps and the winner with top score receive a reward of P’Mhee shouting bag. This game aims to help people who endure pain without knowing how to express it out to get some relief and P’Mhee will then take them to pharmacist.
Moreover, educational content about the 4 main unnecessary pain that people like to endure and their consequences are launched in facebook page, brochure, and roadshow to educate people to avoid unnecessary suffering. P’Mhee wants people to remember him when they are in pain and be reminded that they should not endure the unnecessary suffering and #Don’tEndurePainJustShoutOutLoud and if the pain get worst, #Don’tEndurePainGoToPharmacist.
Join us to release your pain at https://thebearshoutoutloud.com/